Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Well, its Wednesday evening and I have had one of those days.
Lets start off by saying that I had insomnia last night! Good Times. So, when the alarm went off at 6:30 this morning I was not a happy camper! To add to the beautiful day...I got my review. It was all really good except for one part. I got some marks against me because I didn't communicate with a manager that the whole company wants to get rid of. She is a woman that is hateful and condescending to all of her staff and to upper management. Why don't they fire her? Good question. I think part of it is that her numbers are well above goals (40-50%) and it is hard to get rid of someone like that. The fact that everyone cannot communicate with her and that she is a royal bitch shouldn't reflect on my review!

Enough about that!

More to the list that made this an amazing day...Dentist Visit! Yes, yours truly had to get a root canal today. Let me just tell you that a trip to the dentist is...Well lets just say I would rather swim in shark infested waters covered in fish guts! I had taken a valuim to be able to get there with out screaming like a girl. The "V" didn't kick in till about 15 minutes into the procedure. Thank goodness that it kicked in because I was really starting to have an anxiety attack!

But all is well. The tooth is feeling fine and I am in great spirits. I have a great deal to be thankful for. True, the "Dallas" friend sorta fell off the face of the earth. His lost right!?!? It didn't help that he blew me off after I sent some more photos of myself. But like a friend told me...Fuck Him! I thought that was a little harsh but what ya gonna do?

I hope everyone is doing well and the week is nearly over! Yippee!!!
Until Next Time...

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