Sunday, April 29, 2007


Well, I am sorry for my absence. Life has been a little crazy with work, friends, family, and boyfriend. So to those who read or have read in the past, my blog, I'm sorry for the long time between post.
With that out of the way. Here is the latest. I just broke it off with my boyfriend. WE had been together for nearly 5 months and there was good times and bad. I thought I had found the one that I was going to be with for a long mistake. As it turns out, he wasn't the one. I think what started to bother me was that we had little time together due to his schedule and when I would bring it up (which wasn't often) he would blow me off and say I knew what I was getting into. I do not want to talk bad about the guy, because he does have his good qualities, but I shouldn't have to give up "ME" to be with him. And that my dear readers, is what was happening. I was letting all or most of the things that are really important to me go to make the situation comfortable. In doing that I started to loose myself, and that is something that should never happen. It is unfortunate that we ended it the way we did...or should I say the way we started to end it. WE, I guess, technically ended it via text message. Real mature right!!! He sent me one this morning saying he thought I thought it was over and just to let him know if it was. I sent one back saying that when I sober up I was going to call him. He said to not worry about it that he got the picture. I got mad and said I wasn't worried about it...He called me an asshole...I said I wasn't that if he wanted to talk to call me...Blah Blah Blah. Well, its safe to say, now, that its over. I am bummed about it. But to be honest, I was loosing my self, he was never available due to his schedule, and his idea of a date was to sit in his apartment and watch TV while he got stoned and I had to leave so he could go to bed. Good times, right!?!?!?
I don't want to go on and on about all of it. Just know that I am single again. Was told some pretty hateful things on the phone. That I am going to be OK. Better than OK...I stood up for myself and that is a good thing to do...
Until Next Time...


Doug said...

Jimmi, I'm so sorry things didn't go well, and sorry that they ended badly. It does sound like you stood up for yourself, which is an excellent thing, something you should be proud of (and it sounds like you are).


Mikey said...

from all experiences we learn. Sounds like you learned that you can stand up for yourself and that you should never lose yourself