Tuesday, December 12, 2006


If you want an idea as to how my day was...My boss/friend and I are emailing each other back and forth acting like we are different people playing joke on one another. Making fun of each other... What makes it worse is that she and I live 3 blocks away from each other. LOL!!! BTW..."SIX" we took the "reindeer quiz" and she was Blitzen and I was Vixen. LOL! The world is not right this evening.

I am glad to say that I held my cool today with a couple of co-workers. If it wouldn't have cost me my job, I might have told one of them to go F@#K herself and that I hope she got hemorrhoids in the process! Yes, the one person that I work with that gets right up my nose was in full swing today! I swear it took all that was in me to not just...Well lets just say that more grey hairs came through today!
I cam home looked at my nicely decorated tree and thought just let it go! So I am, but first I wanted to right about it in my blog.

I hope everyone's week is going well and I will type more later.
Until Next Time...


Doug said...

Let it out! Blogging can be so cathartic.

Kevin said...

Heh. Vixen.

Hearthhusband said...

hey, i deleted my old blogs...can you believe that??? so, i have a new one call " Essence of the Hearthhusband"...check it out...lemme know what you think. BB