Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I have to tell you...I am feeling a little bit like the Grinch! It's sad really because I love this time of year. With all the Lights. Decorations. The smell of pine. There seems to be an air of Hope that hangs around. Love. Peace. You know, all the things that are Christmas.
Unfortunately...These things or emotions are lost in the mall. It is "crazy time" for all the holiday shoppers. The thoughts in their minds are that THEY are the only ones who need things and that YOU need to provide it for them. I had a lady the other day tell me to "read" this book that we sell to her to see if she likes it. I politely opened the book. Made her hold out her hands. And said "Here you go. Read." She had a shocked look on her face. Here I am with nearly 40 shirts in my hand, that I had put down to answer her question, and all she wanted me to do was read her a book. Good Grief!!! She wasn't a child. NO...She wasn't impaired. She could read. Just lazy! Snotty actually. Which, in my opinion gives me full license to be snotty back! Yes, yours truly can be a bitch. I'm ok with that. Thank Goodness I'm not in sales! It would have cost me.
...As for the rest of my world...
Starting to date this guy. Nice guy. His name is Patrick. Trying to keep level headed about the whole thing. Not to jump the gun. He is tall. Handsome. Green eyes (which is my weakness). Smart. You know all the things that we look for. He and I are going to dinner, again, tomorrow evening so lets hope it all goes well.

I am going to wrap things up now. Need to shower and get ready for bed. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

Until Next Time...


Doug said...

Avoid the mall like the plague.

And I hope Patrick is a keeper!

Kevin said...

Good luck with him.