Sunday, December 10, 2006


It just seems that the world lately for me has gotten SO BUSY that I am not getting anything for myself done. When I do have down time I have little to no energy to get anything accomplished. Does anybody know how I feel? UUGGGHHH!
Work lately has been out of control. We've had a couple of VIP's come to town which means really long hours and for what? Its Christmas time so all your work is done in vain. People just come in destroy everything that you did the day before; its a never ending cycle. I also have my Visual District Manager coming to town and she gets a little particular about the details...And right now, there isn't time to focus on the details! She's a great woman, but she does tend to get stuck on something and not let it go. SO, Tuesday-Thursday will end with a round of drinks!!! Be thinking about me...LOL!!

Other News...
I have started dating again. I guess I never really stopped, its just been a long time since I have gone on one...LOL! He is a very nice guy, Handsome, Tall, and very confident. Which of course makes me nervous as hell and I start to say the dumbest things. I hope I don't mess this up before it gets going. I am going to relax about it, take it all in stride. I was happy before him and I will continue to be that way. I will fill you guys in when there are more details...

One more thing...
I have met a really interesting guy on line. I don't want to give specifics, but he is still in the closet and is very scared to come out. WE have very similar backgrounds and I am able to answer questions for him. He is a sweet man and I really hope that he comes to terms with himself and realizes that he can still have a relationship with God and be gay. He has a lot to learn and I want him to be happy. So, if you ever think about him...Wish him the best. More on this later too!

IM going to let you guys go now. I have got to finish my Christmas tree and clean up the house for a party later on this week...MORE THINGS TO DO!!! Is it January yet? LOL!!!
Have a good week everyone. Until Next Time...

1 comment:

Doug said...

I guess I missed Tuesday, but I'll be thinkin' about you Thursday as you're drinkin'.

Good luck to your in-the-closet friend. :)
