Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Ok, let me start by saying today wasn't the best day at the "office". I have a great job that I find challenging and, for the most part, rewarding. Today was not a day that I felt like that. It drives me crazy that a person cant let his/her merit speak for itself and we are nearly forced to play the game of "office politics". I didn't start this blog entry thinking I was going to talk about work...But I wanted to let you see the frame of mind that I am in right now.

I came home today and picked up a book and flipped through the pages to get a little perspective on things. I guess to sorta escape the day and all that happened. Nothing major took place, just the same old crap. ANYWAY. The book I was looking at asked a simple question..."Will all of it matter a year from now?"

What a truly thought provoking question. Will all of it matter a year from now? Lets just say that it really got me to thinking about things in my life. I tend to make mountains out of mole hills. NO! IM not a drama queen. The opposite actually. I let things role off my back all the time. The question got me to thinking about the state of my life right now. Things that make me feel less than. I have a bad habit of measuring myself against other people and the things that they have and I don't. Examples like a House, new Car, a Relationship. You know the basics. I let these things and others like it rule my attitude and it often gets in the way of me coming full circle so to speak. (I know this is a bunch of rambling...Forgive me)

Well the question got me to thinking and I have come to a new understanding...I will no longer let the small things in life dictate ME. I wont worry about things of insignificance and take life as it is. Embracing things as they are and not beat myself up over the stuff that I cant change. Life should be enjoyed to its fullest and tearing yourself down is taking away from the experiences you could be having. The "world" beats us all up from time to time and I am going to make a conscious effort to not let me be a factor in that equation. Am I making any sense?
Well best of luck to everyone and I hope when "life" presents you with a question and you start going down a road that is mentally unhealthy...I hope you ask yourself, like I will, "Will all of it matter a year from now?"

Take care and until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

trust me, life goes on. it WILL matter in a year, "cause and effect"...your REACTIONS usually set something into ACTION. whether it be good or bad...the wheel keeps turning, so take life by the balls and live your life. kharma is one big cycle...sooner or later things will surface from past reactions and you'll have to deal with the same problems over and, my advice is your life the best you know how, as fate has it, things do happen for a reason. big hug from nashvegas.