Monday, September 11, 2006


Ok, I know why I have been in a funk. It is all of the coverage about 9/11. Its such a sad part of our history that is always going to be current. Does that make sense? I mean, it is something that changed all of our lives in some way or another and we will never be the same. I don't think that is a bad thing. We should be more aware of our surroundings.
Its these times, however, that I don't reflect on the Terrorist...Its more about the families that where changed forever. I have lost a brother tragically and know how much it changes your life. I suppose that this time (9/11) just brings up all of those feelings about it. Sad really that neither I nor them asked for this to happen to them. And death is something that will change you forever. Especially if it is someone close to you.
So I guess that is why I have been in a funk lately. I can see the silver lining in the clouds and know that this is just a temporary thing.
Life is good and I have a great deal to be thankful for. I am going to put forth an effort to "connect" with my younger brother. We have always been really close. Here lately, however, He and I have drifted apart a bit. I think its time we become close again. When I came "out" I pushed him away out of fear of judgment. Not right on my part but I am looking forward to getting things back to the way they should be.
Until Next Time...

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