Saturday, July 15, 2006


OK...Let me start this blog by saying, I have a buzz (I just left the country/western bar). I am in a fowl mood tonight. I had gone to the C/W bar to meet up with some "bar" friends. These are the guys that make me laugh and always have great stories to tell. I call them bar friends because I never see them or talk to them except at the bar. Great guys, and have always been very accepting of me. They were unfortunately not there tonight. One of the guy's daughter got married and they had all gone. So, I was sorta disappointed when I got there and no guys to hang with. Yes, I could have gone somewhere else but wasn't really feeling like it. That should have been my first clue...To just go home.
Gay men, well probably all men, can be complete jerks! FYI...If I look at you and your boy friend, that doesn't mean I want to take him from you, or sleep with you both. I am so sick and tired of guys playing games that I cant stand it. I was at the bar and this guy grabs his BF's hand and turns his nose up to me as he passes by. Looking me up and down and then...then came the eye roll. Like, to say, as if!!! I know that IM PMS-ing right now. Yes...Men have PMS...just not with all the gross side affects! I think the weeks events and all that have made me tired and I should have just stayed home. Is there "normal" out there...And if so, what's their name.
I know none of this is making sense right now. I will probably delete the whole thing come morning. I am just very frustrated and needed to get some things off my chest. All of the attitude...Is it necessary? I know we can all be "bitches" but come on. We have all gone through a great deal in our lives. Where is the solidarity. The...I don't know...Familiarity. The thought of "Hey, we have been through it and lets support each other" mentality. I am going to shut up now. Go to bed. Wake up in the morning and probably erase all of this. But just in case someone reads this...IM pissed and IM tired of the attitudes. Get a life and stop being so shallow!!!
Ok...IM done. Sleep well everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Nelly!!! don't ya feel better, now. You know, I do know normal, it's here in dinner, watching television, and going to bed before 11pm. And you know, we'd take you home, LOL. My dear friend, you just need to take a vacation away from Houstontown for a while. I still don't know Nashville AT ALL,(I get lost going to Target, still)but you know if you came for a few days, we could get lost together. It would be great fun and would take your mind off of the jerks for a while. talk soon. xoxo