Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Well, my vacation, MY VACATION! I had all these great plans for this week. I was going to get the house put together, do some shopping, lay by the pool to get some much needed sun. None of this has happened. I realize that its only Tuesday, but IM a planner, to a fault. I had this idea of waking up early (9 am) and getting some work around the house done...Eating lunch...Laying by the pool. Just a bit of R&R. Those plans have gone by the wayside. It is raining cats and dogs and will be for the next two days. I don't do well with rain. It makes me incredibly lazy and all I do is watch TV. I know vacations are supposed to be about relaxing so I guess watching TV all day long isn't the worst thing...But it makes me feel like a slug. So today I scheduled a massage. Mainly to get out of the house. Boy was it a pleasant surprise. I normally goto a spa for this and do the whole "spa experience". This time however I went to a guy here in town for it. NO! It wasn't that kind of place. No sex was had not even a "rise in my Levis" so to speak. All though it would have been nice...He was really cute! It was wonderful though. I have always gone to women for this and it was nice to have a mans touch. I guess we understand or bodies better. He really concentrated on my target areas and gave the whole body attention. It was great. Of course afterwards I was really feeling relaxed and even more lazy. That's ok though. I have tomorrow to do things around here. It is going to rain all day and I just hope that The couch doesn't suck me in again! So, Until next time...

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