Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Well let me tell you guys something first. I love my job. I feel almost like it's something I was made to do. Yes, I have many talents but doing what I do is very relaxing for me. The fast pace. Changing things. Creating. Watching numbers and sales. Its fun for me. But for the last week...I have been bored to tears. We are in the middle of a season change. Its like the calm before the storm right now. I cant take it. Today, I watched, literally watched, the clock turn from 3:25 to 3:32. Now, IM not sure about the rest of you guys, but I am used to going a million miles an hour and to sit there...Well, it will cause you to drink. I actually contemplated resetting a wall full of old stuff to just have something to do...Can you relate AJ? Well I got word today that Fall will hit tomorrow and I am very excited. What a great time for a heatwave. I now have the challenge of making merino sweaters and turtleneck look like something John Q. Public needs and/ wants. How fun. It will be interesting to see if I can get all of this done in a day. Because yours truly is taking a week off from work and I cant tell you how happy I am about that! To get away. Lay by the pool. Drinking cape cods. I am very excited. Now when I watch the clock it will be to let me know when to turn over. Have a great rest of your week everyone and take care. I got some work to do!!! Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky you to have "fall" in. I am sure that you will have the merino section up in no time. Whether it sells is another story. "Fall" is hitting the stores here, also. Yesterday, I was told that i will be used in the down time to do a complete store flip. I thought to myself, "what have I done?"...then I realized that I can't wait. If you get a chance email me some pics of your 346 opening.