Sunday, October 08, 2006


Yes, my dear bloggworld friends...It has finally happened. I guess it was around 2:30 today (give or take a few hours). I have decided to embrace my single-hood. Yes, I know that I shouldn't speak like this. Oh Well, life will go on.
I think, for me, that the men I come across tend to be a little self involved and are incapable of a deep meaningful conversation. And God forbid you actually show some real emotion...Hell that scares them off faster than My dates dress at our Senior Prom.
Seriously though, what is with the guys today. I should say only the ones I come into contact with, but apparently this is a common thread that runs in our community.

What happened to all the TRUE gentlemen out there. You know the ones that are considerate, compassionate, thoughtful, understanding, honest, dependable, respectful...I could go on for days. It isn't like I am looking for the Miracle Man...God knows I have my own hang-ups. I just want a man to treat me with a little respect. Show a little tenderness and compassion. I would love it if He had an ounce of decency as well. But apparently I am asking for too much.
So, I have decided to just be with myself. Do things for myself that I would normally do for someone that I am dating.

All is well, in the grand scheme of things and I hope that you all are happy for me. I plan on registering at Pottery Barn if anyone is interested in celebrating this new relationship I am in with myself.
Until Next Time...

1 comment:

Kevin said...


My problem is believeing people when they tell me things, thinking that they are telling them to me, not half a dozen other people at the same time.

Makes me want to go back in the closet, except I fucked THAT relationship up so there's no going back.