Monday, November 27, 2006


Will someone please tell me why is it that when you wake up in the morning. Bright eyed and bushy tailed! Ready to take on the world! Why does it come and crap all over you? Just a question...LOL!!!
I awoke this morning, sleepy but in a great mood. Got to work EARLY. Ate my breakfast, drank my coffee. Then the S#@& hit the fan. I was informed that my large window instillation that I just completed...Will be changed in 2 weeks to highlight newer product (resort wear). I mean this window was labor intensive. Wallpaper, Velvet curtains. Snow. Logs. Christmas trees. The works! (FYI...For those who do not know, I am a visual manager for a famous men's retailer)
Anyway. I called my boss and asked if the new windows could be delayed until after Christmas? She said, flat out...NO!!! I was like, "Why Not?" She said it was my job to follow corporate directive and that I could work some where else if I didn't want to do it. Let me state this first. I am at the #6 store in the company. My store carries the district. I know that I am replaceable, everyone is, I felt very unsupported. My boss telling me "someone else can come and do your job if you don't want to"...UUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

I have to stop talking about it. I am still angry! This post is getting me more mad so I need to stop. I will just say that I am employed. I still love my job. My superiors still love me and the work that I do.
Today was a day that started wonderfully and went down hill rather quickly!
Tomorrow is a new day. Its all good I suppose.
Until Next Time...


Kevin said...

That sucks ...

Doug said...

Wow, your boss doesn't sound like the nicest person to work for.

Glad to see you're looking forward to tomorrow.
